Hey hey there! My name is Rob Os, and I am so excited to be with all of you here on Newgrounds!
I was in dire love with this site, so much so that I had to join the community. I'm 15 years old. I like video games, TV, Legos, fans, drawing, the internet, e-money, plush toys, and that's about it.
I enjoy games such as Mario, LittleBigPlanet, Skyrim, Mortal Kombat, Angry Birds, Miitopia, Zelda, My Singing Monsters, Wii Sports, Plants Vs. Zombies, and Among US.
Although I'm learning how to code, here I specialize in making animations, music, and art. I also have a YouTube where I mainly make content based on My Singing Monsters.
Hope you are all welcoming me here and stay positive!